Hi All
Like many others I started building the Sonoff garage opener with a magnet switch for “Open” status
Garageport switch DIY
I then implemented this configuration and during updates off HA it looks like this now:
- platform: mqtt
name: garagedoor_mqtt
command_topic: cmnd/Sonoff_SV_Garage/POWER
payload_open: "ON"
payload_close: "ON"
payload_stop: "ON"
state_topic: cmnd/garagestate/POWER2
state_open: "ON"
state_closed: "OFF"
optimistic: false
retain: false
- platform: template
friendly_name: Garage Door
value_template: '{{ is_state("cover.garagedoor_mqtt", "open") }}'
icon_template: '{% if is_state("cover.garagedoor_mqtt", "open") %}mdi:garage-open{% else %}mdi:garage{% endif %}'
- condition: state
entity_id: cover.garagedoor_mqtt
state: 'closed'
- service: cover.open_cover
entity_id: cover.garagedoor_mqtt
- condition: state
entity_id: cover.garagedoor_mqtt
state: 'open'
- service: cover.close_cover
entity_id: cover.garagedoor_mqtt
# stop_cover:
# service: cover.stop_cover
# entity_id: cover.garagedoor_mqtt
I ran into some problems where the mqtt would open or re-open the door, and had to remove the stop cover
Now allot of things have changed and I would like to get the “Garage” to work with my Apple car play again using the homekit integration but right now it sees the garage as a switch or a “Blind”
I found this update to the cover example:
But I cant see why the existing setup shouldn’t work?
What am I missing?
Thanks for a great forum!