RF codes not working with RM4PRO and HA


I have an RM4PROD device and some RF rollers.
After reading a lot of tutorials and forum posts, I was able to successfully add RM4PRO to my homeassistant setup and learn the RF codes.
When I try to use the codes, the RM4 led flashes, but nothing happens.
Mentioning that using the RM4 app, I can open and close the RF rollers.
Any ideas on what the issue might be?

Much appreciate any help, it’s driving me crazy.


How IR data gets sent and received can vary quite a bit. It could be that you’re not learning the full code. Perhaps check your data against a known database of codes, or just use the codes from that database, if you can find them.

I think he is talking about RF data. However,

without showing what the OP has put inside HA configs/scripts/automations there is little one can do to support. How does he …try to use the codes? :thinking:

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My bad. I misread.

Hi! Thanks for taking time to reply!
I am simply trying to use the remote.send_command to trigger the rollers to go up or down:

service: remote.send_command
device: tara_room_rollers
command: down
entity_id: remote.broadlink_rm4pro_remote
device_id: 149c1580e2f11052d5ca4900e76578ad

Take a look at this post, maybe it helps.