RF Link configuration

Hello there. I’m having some trouble adding a switch that has “on” and “off” to it to my home assistant using the RFLink integration.

I have RFLink speaking to Home Assistant but I’m not too sure how to add the switch as a device to it.

This is what I’m trying to add https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07S2RM95K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

The info I got from the switch when using rflink loader is as follows:


I checked the integration instructions to add a switch but I’m not sure what to put for protocol or channel…and since it shows two different ID’s for OFF and ON that complicates it more =\

Any help would be appreciated


Probably something like this (under switches in configuration.yaml, or in switch.yaml if you split up your configuration)

  - platform: rflink
      fire_event: true
      signal_repetitions: 2
        name: impulsb

Easiest way is to copy it from the auto-detected light.

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That did it! Thank you!