Rf reader add-on

Hey everyone! I hope this is the correct place to post this.

I just wanted to share an add-on that I’ve been working on the past week or so. It simplifies the reading of the codes needed to use the rpi-rf integration.

Home Assistant Add-on: GPIO RF Reader

Reads radio frequency signal codes off of a Raspberry Pi GPIO pin.

GPIO pin layout

This add-on provides a simple way to read the radio frequency codes from a GPIO pin of a Raspberry Pi wired with generic 433/315MHz capable modules.

RF hardware

Uses the Python library rpi-rf and script rpi-rf_receive . More details about wiring and hardware can be found on the rpi-rf site.

This add-on has been tested with a RPi 4b running Home Assistant and will probably work with a 3b/3b+ .

Supports armv7 Architecture

Side tip: Copy and paste your README into your post. It’ll be auto-converted to markdown.

i do you have any plans (or know of a way ) i can Send RF in Hassio as well please.

I think your translator is mangling your words. This is the purpose of this addon.