In case there are 3 rf bridges in the house, want to receive rf code value from door and window sensors and reset rf mode.
Use esphome to get the rf code and send it as a mqtt and use it to write the binary sensor in binary_sensor.yaml to create the binary sensor, or
Fix the binary sensor in each esphome to see where it receives good signal in the house and fix it to some point, for example the back of the house has a door and window, then fix the binary sensor to the rf bridge installed in the back of the house.
which one is suitable fresh and more accurate
I’m currently using the first one. I encountered a problem that sometimes the window was closed. But the value still says it’s not off. have to open and close again
But if you do the second way, you have to put a code at each rf bridge that indicates where the rf signal reaches the most clear point.
Please suggest.