RF switch updated by receiver input

I use the RFcomponent link. During installation, I used the receiver connected to my RP to learn the codes as described here. Now all is working.

However, I both use the remote RF as HA to turn the switches on and off. When I turn on my light using the remote, HA is unaware of that so the switch in HA stays off.

Would it be possible to integrate the receiver in HA as well, so the state of the switch can be updated when the state changes by external signals?

It would be a great addition and is surely doable.
Either integrated in the switch component, or as a sensor.

The pilight component(s) can do that. If your device is supported by pilight that might be a solution for you.

Hi David, thanks for the suggestion. Looks like a nice package with cool options, but I did not manage to get it working. I’ll stick to the RP RF switch for now.