Could you guys please give me some examples of how I would use a RF433 TX and RX to send the state of a door.
Right now with my testing im using a binary_sensor, which just sends the state ON and then immediately sends the state OFF.
Could you please give me some examples of how to send a ON when open and only send a OFF when closed again.
Throwing in a deep sleep wake when open would be a bonus.
I could find bits and peices here and there but could not find a matching transmitter and receiver code to work with.
Im basicly trying to achieve
ESP Wemos Battery Shield Sleeps in deep sleep
When GPIOx is triggered (door is opened) wake from deep sleep.
Send RF code to say door is open.
Return to deep sleep.
Im not sure if I should bother with a restore, or how the best way to integrate this with deep sleep would be, either wait for the door to be closed again, or sleep again, then wake again when the door is closed and then sleep again.
The door should not be open for long, its a letterbox.
Happy to hear your thoughts.