RF433MHz single button


I bought a single 433MHz button like this one:

When pressed it sends a single fixed code let’s say 1234567.

I connected 433MHz receiver to arduino and uploaded a simple rf example code to read/get the code of my button.
Then I connected the same receiver (chacked and working) to rpi 3 b +.
5V/GND/ and DATA->PIN 13 (GPIO27)
like here:

Then I added to my configuration file in HA (System HassOS 1.10; Home Assistant
0.77.1) the following lines:

  • platform: rpi_rf
    gpio: 27
    pulselength: 282
    protocol: 1
    code_on: 8992993
    code_off: 8992993

I tried different combinations: w/w/o pulselength, w/w/o protocol, and I also put a different code for OFF.

I built the following automation:

to play next song in my player


it’s not working.
(when using different type - xiaomi button it works)

Any ideas what is wrong?
