(Paulo Ven)
after seaching around, most solutions i’ve found for RFID card demands reading the car token and store it in the device.
I’m planning to build the following:
nodemcu device with rfid card reader registering the token in my mysql database
nodemcu reading the rfid tag and quering the mqtt broker for it (topic /ping token).
php-mqtt subscribes the topic and query the mysql database
mysql database returns 0, 1, 2, where 0=ok, 1=ok, but not now, 2=deny
php-mqtt publish the topic /pong 0,1,2
devices subscribing the topic, like door lock, etc, do what is supposed to do.
Any suggestions?
Thx in advance.
(Paulo Ven)
$server = 'hp15pw'; // change if necessary
$port = 1883; // change if necessary
$username = 'mqttuser'; // set your username
$password = 'mqttpwd'; // set your password
$client_id = 'RFID-MQTT-MYSQL'; // make sure this is unique for connecting to sever - you could use uniqid()
$mysql_host = 'localhost';
$mysql_port = '';
$mysql_user = 'dbuser';
$mysql_pass = 'dbpwd';
$mysql_mydb = 'rfidcards';
$mqtt = new Bluerhinos\phpMQTT($server, $port, $client_id);
if(!$mqtt->connect(true, NULL, $username, $password)) {
echo "Failed to connect to Mqtt: ";
$con = new mysqli($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_mydb );
if ($con -> connect_errno) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $con -> connect_error;
$con->set_charset('utf8mb4'); // always set the charset
//$mqtt->debug = true;
while (true) { // endless loop
// public function subscribeAndWaitForMessage($topic, $qos)
$msg = $mqtt->subscribeAndWaitForMessage('rfid/card/ping', 0);
echo "$msg";
// query con
//$tagid = "39EAB06D";
$query = "SELECT name, id FROM rfidtags WHERE id = ?";
$stmt = $con->prepare($query);
$stmt->bind_param('s', $msg);
$stmt->bind_result($name, $id);
if ($stmt->fetch()) {
echo "$name $id\n";
} else {
echo "failed to fetch data\n";
$pong= "2";
// function publish($topic, $content, $qos = 0, $retain = false)
$mqtt->publish('rfid/card/pong', "$pong", 0, false);
not polished yet, but working with the mosquitto broker and mysql, subscribing to a topic, searching the datavase and returning a value (payload).