Having some problems with the RFLink integration and Nodo - it’s directly connected.
At the moment I only have one sensor working with it but after a couple of days (no real pattern) it just seems to stop receiving data. Any ideas?
Having some problems with the RFLink integration and Nodo - it’s directly connected.
At the moment I only have one sensor working with it but after a couple of days (no real pattern) it just seems to stop receiving data. Any ideas?
I had similar behavior in my HA before the SD card failed.
Sometimes it happened within a few hours and sometimes a few days, but it was quite continuous. I ended up adding a button on the sensors screen to reset the HA.
The funny thing was that although I was not able to receive any signal from my sensors, I could send commands and operate my devices.
Shortly after the card failed, I migrated my installation to an SSD and changed the old charger to a Raspberry power supply.
For now, that behavior has not been replayed.
PD: if you have an SD, make a backup of HA and copy it out of the SD
Interesting. I’m running virtualized (ESXi, single SSD storage) so not sure it’s that but I do VEEAM backups as well to mechanical so not too worried about losing anything.
I had some problems with RFLink (flashed on Arduino Mega clone) due to the driver used by the cheaper board USB adapter (HassOS and Ubuntu Server 18.04). Even flashing from Arduino or Platformio would some times fail without any obvious reason (board stopped being recognized all of a sudden). After reboot the board was recognized again.
I’ve then added an USB hub instead of powering the board directly (something cheap, doesn’t have to be USB3/type C; however I’ve found that the hubs without ethernet ports don’t really work that well for this purpose). Also this hub helped to recognize boards when flashing ESP8266/ESP32 chipset based products.
What happens to the readings if you restart HA?
Or without restarting HA, you could set rifling level to debug and see if the readings are coming. If they’re not, it’s a dead battery
Weirdly the issue seems to have gone away!