RFlink entities unavailable after restart

I have several devices connected through Rflink

Every time I restart Hassio in Lovelace I get the message “entity unavailable : …name of device”
When I use the original switch, the entity gets available again.
So it seems that Hassio has to receive the signal before it’s get recognized again .
Anyone knows how to solve this ?
I use the latest version.

I thought I posted this question before , but can not find it again and did not get any reaction. So apologizing for repeating.

Hello Curious,

Whats in the yaml file? You user auto add option: true ??

Then it will automatic put IT in your unused devices. But when you want to keep it. You must copy the code of that device and past it in your yaml file. Then you Will keep it forever. Also after a reboot.

Thank you for your answer

Should unused devices be a yaml file ? I don’t have that file.

And what do you mean with ‘copy the code to your yaml file’ ? Do you mean I have to copy the name of the entities to lights.yaml for example ?

Hi Curious,

I mean that all these devices are not mine. Somebody push on the button en HA put them in de Unused Identities. When you want to use them after a reboot then you must pick up the code. And make it static in you config file. Otherwise you must push the button everytime after rebooting the system.

I am sorry, but I still don’t know what I am doing wrong.

I think I make my entities static by defining them in switches.yaml for example.
When the switches are displayed as they should be and I look in unused entities they are under switches , and after a reboot they are still there, but then
in a lovelace view I get this

This is how it should be (just an example of two of the entities)


So in what config file should I put them to stay as available device. I modify the lovelace_ui.yaml manually by the way and don’t use the configurator.

- platform: rflink
  automatic_add: true
    fire_event: true
    signal_repetitions: 2
      name: studeerkamer
      name: Slaapkam. kast
      name: Schemerl. slk
      name: schemerlamp_tv
      name: Schermelamp_raam
      name: schakelaar_ongebruikt
      name: schemerlamp_kast
      name: weetniet

Which HA version are you running?

RFLink platform restore (some) device’s state since v0.88

If your HA version is lower, lights can’t restore their state and will show that error until state is set.

I am on version 0.91.0

I think there is something wrong with your configuration. The device’s name don’t must have the “light.”

You need to define the platform part (the one you have attached) and the “light” part:

      - platform: rflink
          newkaku_011a078e_a: {}
          newkaku_009d852a_c: {}
          newkaku_009d852a_b: {}
          tristate_85562a_1: {}

Take a look at the docs.

I will look to it. I have allways use the full name of the entity. This is for example a name when I look at the states of some devices . Didi it change recently ?

No, I think it has not changed in a long time.

Any error at logs?

In my config I have:

      - platform: rflink
        automatic_add: false
            name: sofa
            type: hybrid

and what I see at states:

You don’t have a light.studeerkamer or light.schakelaar_ongebruikt therefore, your light configuration is not working, and HA can’t restore the states and so on

Thank you. I finally understand where I go wrong.
I allways thought ( and in my remembrance I used to do it that way) I could use the name as mentioned under states, in lovelace_ui as entity name.
In my previous configurations I did not add them to lights.yaml.
Never mind, it works now.


I have a new installation and have also this problem,
Can you tell me how you fixed this? With wich .yml files?

Thnx in advantage! Grtz John

In lights.yaml I have added these entities manually:

- platform: rflink
  automatic_add: true
      name: studeerkamer_oud
      name: studeerkamer
      name: slaapkamer_kast
      name: schemerlamp_slk
    tristate_8554aa_1:   #knop A op afstandsbediening
      name: staande_schemerlamp_tv

When creating a button in lovelace this is the code I used :

title: schakelaars
panel: true
  - type: custom:layout-card

    layout: horizontal
    - type: entities
      title: Woonkamer
          - entity: light.schemerlamp_muur
            #name: schemerlamp_tv
            tap_action: toggle    
            icon: mdi:lightbulb         
          - entity: light.schemerlamp_raam
            #name: Schermelamp_raam
            tap_action: toggle
            icon: mdi:lightbulb
            # tristate_8554aa_4:
          - entity:  light.vitrinekast_kamer
            #name: schemerlamp_kast
            tap_action: toggle
            icon: mdi:lightbulb
            # newkaku_00cb9552_1:
          - entity: light.40005734840d8e4d8728
            name: vloerlamp
            icon: mdi:lightbulb
          - entity: light.bfa4598a0d0e241d3377kw
            name: staande_lamp_voorkamer
            icon: mdi:lightbulb

Do not know if this is how it should be done, but it works for me.

Thank you, i will try that out!
Do i have to !include the light.yaml in the configuration.yaml? When i try to do that i get an error.
Thnx again! Grtz John

Yes you should.
Notice the ‘s’

light: !include lights.yaml

What is the error ?

i’ve got it!
al the entities i want to place in te light.yaml but i forgot - platform: rflink
automatic_add: true to type in this file. now all is in the right file and it works!! thnx again