RFLink: Is it possible to make two switches from one ID using the allon alloff attribute to distinguish?

I have a Sonoff multi rf controller with eight switches but four of the switches duplicate the same ID in sets of two with only the command allon/off separating them, at least initially - the IDs change to unique IDs using the EVxxxx code after 30 minutes to an hour after server restart so I have two triggers set up per action.

Example :    Switch 1  "eurodomest_09eb94_05', 'command': 'alloff'"

             Switch 2  "eurodomest_09eb94_05', 'command': 'allon’”

I’m not sure I understand what your question is.

But I can tell you that the RFLink integration allows you to define aliases for entities. Partly to mitigate a known behavior to the RFLink hub in which a device is detected with different IDs. This way you can treat different signals as a single device.

On the other hand, I don’t think you can generate 2 RFLink devices with the same ID (if that’s what you mean). In that case you could try using a template, or maybe from the event (setting the fire_event attribute)

Yeah, setting aliases wouldn’t help. I guess templating an if then is the answer. I’ll look into that. Thank you for responding.

The aliases part can help with these ID changes that RFLink made from time to time.