RFLink, RTS Somfy wind/sun sensor

Just to clarify, playing with cover’s states you will get only one of the possible states. No cover have a “stopped”/“stop” state. You can get just “opened” or “closed” state.

Right, took me (too) long time to understand that …and that you should ‘templating’ the cover to get the correct state. I often struggle with template syntax hence great that you made an example, worked directly! I think the Soliris RTS Sun and Wind sensor is fairly common so hopefully more will have use of this tread.
Cheers :slight_smile:

How do you paired the Somfy RTS Sensor to the RF Link?

I already paired my RF-Link sucessfully by pressing the Prog-button on the Somfy Remote for >2sec and then doing the pairing mode on RF Link.

But how to connect the Sensor to RF-Link?
Is the Sensor after pairing with RF Link still paired with the Somfy Shutter?

In RFLink you need to pair the RFLink gateway with the cover to made the cover accept the gateway commands (to operate the cover).
But for the sensors you don’t need to ‘pair’ anything. RFLink is able to listen the sensor reports ‘as is’.
To configure an entity in HA for that signal, you must configure it in HA:

The usual way of doing is enable the automatic_add attribute and once you get the entity_id from the sensor, configure that device in HA following the instructions.

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