RFX 433 gate remote

Hi all, I want to use Home Assissant for my home domotica instead of domoticz. I have a several COCO (433mhz dimable light switches), which are working great with RFXcom and Home Assistant.

Beside these I have some PIR sensor and remote control switch to open the gate via Aliexpress. Which are not very cooperative at the moment :slight_smile:

For the gate I use https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/433Mhz-Universal-Wireless-Remote-Control-Switch-DC-12V-1CH-relay-Receiver-Module-and-2pcs-RF-Transmitter/32764122299.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.0.w650h3

Home Assisant reconised the remote switch and displayed it. The problem is that it isn’t an on/ off signal, it is just a pulse. So I can press on/ off as many as I want, but the gate will not open. How to fix this e.g. let it work within HA?

code in configuration.yaml

  platform: rfxtrx
  automatic_add: True
      name: Gate
      fire_event: True

Side note: the aliexpress stuff starts all with 091300 and COCO with 0b110001014.

Your help is much appreciated.