Had the same. I added a separate switch in HA with another unit code that I learned on the receiver.
This way you can ring the bell only when you want.
Receive the knob code with HA. Do some logic/automation and send the other code to the receiver , or don’t and send a telegram message or flash a light when the kids are in bed…
You don’t learn the actual knob code on the chime part, only in HA.
The bell is used for a ‘mess call’ to alert my kid to come downstairs for dinner.
Since mostly he is gaming with headphones on, I will also launch a big red light in front of his face (behind his monitor)
I have a kaku remote with 3 on/off buttons and 1 all off button. What I want is to catch the event of that last button. I want it to strat a scene that switches off all light in the living room, including hue.
This is the current config, where the door bell event is catched, but the all off remote button isn’t.
What I noticed is, that the all off id 0b11000f00bb136201030070 looks similar to that of button 1 0b11001000bb136201010f60 , so the switch.kaku_remote_all_off sensor is not created.
I have the doorbell working but the problem is that i do get the telegram message 6 times every time the button is pressed.
This is a bit to much but i can not find how to fix it
This the automation i used
- alias: deur bel
initial_state: 'on'
platform: event
event_type: button_pressed
event_data: {"entity_id": "switch.deur_bel"}
- service: notify.telegram_gijs
message: Er staat iemand aan de deur
- url: http://my-camera-ip/image.jpg
This is the switch
- platform: rfxtrx
name: Deur Bel
fire_event: True
I assume that you guys are all talking about the actual button (ACDB-7000A).
However, I don’t have the button, I only have the receiver (ACDB-7000C) and I want HA to send a signal to it to tell the doorbell to ring.
How on earth do I add this device? I assume that I need to do something similar to how I added my Somfy RTS, by plugging the RFXcom device into a pc and then putting KAKU in learn mode.
But the details… I have no idea… does anyone know?
You don’t need to add the bell device. Just add a switch or input boolean with the rfxtrx platform and make up some valid device code. Your rfx module will broadcast that code. Put the bell in learn mode and switch on your virtual bell. That’s it.
I’ve tried this over a hunderd times but can’t find the right device code.
Can anybody give me a clue what device code I’ve to use?
I followed this manual: RFXCOM RFXtrx - Home Assistant
“*manually add a device, in the options window, an event code can be added in the field Enter event code to add” But I can’t find the right code