RFXCom - Blind T3 AC114,AC123


I add two devices using RFXcom manager. One RFY blind and the other T3 blind. Both work perfectly using RFXCom manager.

In HA I add the RFY using the code like I Can read in the documentation page, but I can add the other type to HA? There are a code for the other device type, like RFY code + ID + Unit?
Or to add T3 type is necessary other way?

Thank for your help!!



If do yo need the solution, I find just now, the code to interact HA with the device saved with RFX manager, is possible read, from manager window, with de name command: xxxx

How is it to configure Blind AC113 in HA (configutaion.YAML)? Would you have the way?
Thanks in advance