Is there anyone willing to add support in the rfxcom module for the Harrison curtains? I’ve been trying, but as i’m no coder i am struggling. I have the needed configuration information, but i don’t understand how to implement this into the code.
With some help of @sender we’ve managed to get it working. Not sure if it’s the best way but works like a charm. If anyone wants to know how happy to post my configuration.
Ok, So I have two harrison curtains (named Curtain Big & Curtain Small).
Curtain Small:
housecode: F
unitcode: 15
Curtain Big:
housecode: A
unitcode: 1
As for as I know harrison curtain signals are not received by the RFXTRX, therefore you cannot autocreate the curtains. So I’ve connected the rfxtrx to a pc and run rfxmngr and pressed in rfxmngr open,close and stop for both curtains, that gives the follwing output (removed irrelevant parts):
Thanks for you clear guide. Just tried to get my Harrison Curtains (old ones) up and running. Followed your instructions, but RFXmanager gives me only 10 characters instead of 20 in your command.
For instance:
Curtain 1:
18-1-2023 10:46:32:780= Curtain command
Packettype = Curtain1
subtype = Harrison
Sequence nbr = 9
housecode = A
unitcode = 1
Command = Close
Signal level = +10 dBm
Assumed I had to put in event “04 02 01 B5 00”, but these commands trigger no action. Could you help me whether I need to add additional characters and where/how I could find these?
After leaving it for a few days, I tried the up and down button again. And to my surprise it worked! And it has worked for about 10 days, and then as a surprise again, it stopped working. Maybe anyone can give me a hint what might it cause working and not working, as to me this is rather random (and unworkable for curtains)…