Rfxcom kaku add

Good morning all. Since the migration to the newer hassio i was facing how to manage new switches, lights for my kaku switches. I didnt find any on the forum ( maybe it was me :slight_smile: ) but however i want to share how to add new switches in hassio.

First go to the intergrations
Then select options on the RFXCOM tab
Then you insert a code generated by going to home-assistant-IP:8123/dev-template
Use the following codes to generate an event:
0b11000{{ range(100,700) | random | int }}bc0cfe0{{ range(0,10) | random | int }}010f70

0b11000{{ range(100,700) | random | int }}bc0cfe0{{ range(0,10) | random | int }}020f70

0a14000{{ range(100,700) | random | int }}bc0cf{{ range(0,10) | random | int }}100f70

use the generated code to paste into the code in the intergrations. Click on save and now you have a new switch, light etc.

hope this is helping out.

I need some help with this. I have a switch that I can connect using another software.
The only information about the address I have is this:

It is a Kaku switch, but I don’t have the remote.

Is it possible to get my device to work?

I replaced bc0cfe0 with my code but it didn’t work.
0b110004120060d1ea0010f70 and others