RFXCom over lan ser2net

Hi Guys,

My rfxcom is connected via USB on a OpenWRT device, in Openwrt iv got ser2net (version 3.5.1)running with the following config:

1001:raw:0:/dev/ttyRFXtrx433:38400 NONE 1STOPBIT 8DATABITS

The device is working great with rfxmnger. But in hass iv got: ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Connection timeout: failed to receive response from RFXtrx device

When the hass container is started i cant connect with rfxmnger anymore, so hass i using the tcp poort but is failing to communicate with the rfxcom.

Is there something i can test/debug?

Seeing the same issue with a similar configuration. RFXtrx433 is plugged into a raspberry pi running ser2net. When HA OS is booted, often it hangs on RFXTRX with the following error.

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Connection timeout: failed to receive response from RFXtrx device

Restarting core resolves the problem every time. It’s like the RFXCOM integration is started before the HA OS network is fully active.

ser2net is using the following config

10001:raw:0:/dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A120LUVJ-if00-port0:38400 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT

I finaly have a reliable solution now…
Rfxcom is on the pi and controlled with node-red. Node-red connects through the serial port with the rfxcom and converts the rfstuff to mqtt.

Mqtt sensors are configured in HA.

That’s the only reliable solution found.

Changed from Home Assistant OS running in a virtual machine to Home Assistant Core only (No Supervisor) running in a Docker in an LXC container on a Proxmox PXE server and it appears to have resolved the issue. Can now restart the LXC container and RFXCOM starts fine. More responsive and it was very easy to do, just copy over the config folder. Sounds like this would be more complicated than running a recommended configuration but i’ts actually very simple, wish I would have known this was an option. :man_shrugging:

Highly recommend this configuration for anyone looking for a little more access to the OS, a more performant system and is comfortable with doing a little configuration in linux.

Same here, except my Proxmox sever is located in the basement with weak RF signals, so i need the PI to connect the RFXCOM upstairs.