RFXCOM RFXtrx Covers/Blinds with lights


I have a blind/cover which got automatically added in HomeAssistant with the “enable automatic add” function an pressing the remote control of the blind.
With this blind, also a Sensor was added, but the blind has no sensors.
It is an awning/marquee.
But the blind has an light integrated. How could I add the light to HomeAssistant?
In the RFXmngr there a controls for the blind and for the light.


Hello @lolouk44 and @Doubledom,

probably you know what to do?


Can you test under Rfxmngr if the commands pass.
And suddenly if OK you just have to create an entity with this code!


Peut tu tester sous Rfxmngr si les commandes passent.
Et du coup si OK il faut simplement créer une entité avec ce code !



what do you mean with “test under Rfxmngr if the commands pass”?
I can switch the light with the remote control and with the RFXmngr. (The light is physically switched.)
But not within HA and the RFXTRX Integration, because it get not automatically detected.


I think what he means is, run Rfxmngr on a computer, send the on and off command for the light using the remote and catch the code that was sent, then you can create a light manually in HA using the data Rfxmngr received…

Info sur Forum français


@lolouk44 If I press the buttons from the remote, I got only following info from RFXmngr:

Packettype    = BLINDS1
subtype       = T6 DC106
Sequence nbr  = 23
id1-4         = E1127D0 decimal:236005328
Unit          = 5
Command       = Open
Signal level  = 8  -56dBm
Packettype    = BLINDS1
subtype       = T6 DC106
Sequence nbr  = 26
id1-4         = E1127D0 decimal:236005328
Unit          = 5
Command       = Stop
Signal level  = 10  -40dBm
Packettype    = BLINDS1
subtype       = T6 DC106
Sequence nbr  = 27
id1-4         = E1127D0 decimal:236005328
Unit          = 5
Command       = Close
Signal level  = 9  -48dBm
Packettype    = BLINDS1
subtype       = T6 DC106
Sequence nbr  = 24
id1-4         = E1127D0 decimal:236005328
Unit          = 5
Command       = Light
Signal level  = 7  -64dBm

(Changed order in the text to Open, Stop, Close, Light.)

If you’re trying to add the blinds to HA, I can’t remember exactly how I did it, but I think I enabled automatic add in RFX Config then pressed the buttons on the remote.
Additionally you can set your debug mode to catch the code

Hello @lolouk44,

automatic add worked only for the blind/cover (awning) but not for the light in the awning.
I pressed 2 times the ligth button with debug mode. Here’s the output:

2023-02-03 13:41:46.500 DEBUG (Thread-2 (_connect)) [RFXtrx] Recv: 0x09 0x19 0x06 0x03 0xe1 0x12 0x7d 0x05 0x05 0x82

2023-02-03 13:41:46.504 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event: {'packet_type': 25, 'sub_type': 6, 'type_string': 'BlindsT6 / DC106/Rohrmotor24-RMF/Yooda', 'id_string': 'e1127d:5', 'data': '09190603e1127d050582', 'values': {'Command': 'Unknown command (0x05)', 'Rssi numeric': 8}}

2023-02-03 13:41:49.730 DEBUG (Thread-2 (_connect)) [RFXtrx] Recv: 0x09 0x19 0x06 0x04 0xe1 0x12 0x7d 0x05 0x05 0x82

2023-02-03 13:41:49.734 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event: {'packet_type': 25, 'sub_type': 6, 'type_string': 'BlindsT6 / DC106/Rohrmotor24-RMF/Yooda', 'id_string': 'e1127d:5', 'data': '09190604e1127d050582', 'values': {'Command': 'Unknown command (0x05)', 'Rssi numeric': 8}}

How can I add this command?

@011V32 to be honest It’s been a long time since I added a new RFX device to my config.
Have you tried to click on configure for your RFXTrx integration and add 09190604e1127d050582 in “enter event code to add”
Only thing is you may have to play with the protocol as I guess it’d be set as a blind if you chose any of the blind protocols. Maybe you need to create an issue in github to ask for your blinds’ light to be added?

@lolouk44 unfortunately it didn’t work :frowning:

Can I see somewhere the configuration of the automatic added devices?

Hello @frenck @elupus,
probably you could help?

Looks like it has a command we have not seen before. Not sure we have any light + cover device previously. Might need special casing.

@elupus It look like it is the common command for T6 blinds. See RFXmngr:

Can I provide data to help integrate this?

Hello @elupus,
would be still relevant. Can I help somehow?

Im not really a actively developing rfx stuff anymore. I will review pull requests for new features on: GitHub - Danielhiversen/pyRFXtrx: A Python library to communicate with the RFXtrx family of devices from http://www.rfxcom.com/ . Included in http://www.home-assistant.io and home assistant