RFXCOM RFXtrx Louvolite blinds

I’ve recently had some louvolite blinds installed, and as I am already using an RFXCOM unit for controlling LightWaveRF light switches I thought I would be able to use the RFXCOM to also control the blinds.

I’ve managed to control the blinds using Type T11 with the RFXmngr program, but is there a way to control them via Home Assistant? I’ve got the RFXtrx integration setup but from the looks of the documentation, the Type 11 doesn’t look to be supported…

I’ve now got this sorted - found the RFXtrx.send service and tested that and it all works. Now setting up the template covers

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I would really apreciate, if you can write up a little, how did you got there.

I do have a Louvolite blind since today, I do have an RFXtrxE laying here, but never used it before, so I’m just staring in the dark now.

Would you please help me a bit?

Never mind, I’ve sorted it out now and wrote a manual :wink:

Nice one :+1:

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