RFXmngr + Somfy Tilt 50 RTS (Changing US to EU)


Currently I’m working on a setup with a RFXcom and a Somfy Tilt 50 motor. Setting up the devices went very smoothly and I have programmed an open and close position. But after configuring it seems like the device was in US mode. For example: When i sent an “UP (transmit < 0.5 seconds)” command, the device opened completely.

After I noticed the device was in US mode, I changed it to EU mode by sending the command “Up + Down (transmit > 5 seconds)”. This solved the issue, but i couldn’t manage to save these new settings in the device. After 1.5 minutes of no commands the device automatically exits the programming mode, and the setting is not saved. This is because i would have to send another command: “Up + Down (transmit > 2 seconds)” to confirm the new setting (at least, so was the internet telling me). Unfortunately, RFXcom does not support this command.

Would there be any other possible solution to set the device into EU mode (and save this setting) rather than buying a remote control?

All help is appreciated!