Rfxtrx and somfy slidymoove 600 RTS gate


I am trying to control my main entrance motor gate, i.e. a SOMFY slidymoove 600 working with the RTS protocol coupled with a RFXtrx433XL module flashed with the last firmware.
First of all I have to say than I managed to bind the gate with the RFXtrx433XL module @ 433.92Mhz via the RFXmngr PC software. So I can open/stop and close it via the up/stop/down commands in this software.

From log in this software, and my ID and group I choosen, I see that any command started with

0c1a00 xx 020119 01 where if I understood well xx is an incremental number each time I transmit a command. Here 020119 and 01 are the ID and the group unit I choosen

Now let’s go to HA… I ran the hardware configuration in hassio/system and it gave me this following path to access to the RF module plugged into one of the USB port (a RASPI 3b+)


so in configuration.yaml, I started to configure the rfxtrx hub via:

  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433XL_DO44BK48-if00-port0

When I checked the config, no error was reported.

Then I decided to use a cover object to control the gate seems functionalities are more or less the same… Maybe I am wrong ? anyway I configured the cover as:

  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: false
         name: portail

where we can recognize the 0c1a000002011901 given by RFXmngr…

The problem is nothing worked :frowning: … when i ran the service cover.open_cover on the entity portail …

I logged in homeassistant the rfxtrx module and I had an error saying he don’t recognize the
0c1a000002011901 in the setup.py of this module …

In the documentation, for a cover, the code sequence starts with 071a0000 probably the id for real covers …

So I am stucked into this problem… More … when I tried to unplugged the key and restart hassio the machine was completly out of order until I commented all rfxtrx definition in configuration.yaml… Good to know.

Any tips ?

Ok I will reply to myself …
I was sure I tried before to post my question but seems not … so the answer is super easy
whatever the official code starts with 0C instead of 07, configure in HA as normal, i.e. 071A00…

so it’s working now fine with:

  device: /dev/ttyUSB0

  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: false
        name: cover_control
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'portail'
        optimistic: false
          service: cover.open_cover
            entity_id: cover.cover_control
          service: cover.stop_cover
            entity_id: cover.cover_control
          service: cover.close_cover
            entity_id: cover.cover_control 
        icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state('cover.portail', 'open') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

Should work with any Somfy gate"s motor. One word how to bind the motor and the rfxtrx433E/XL module

  1. Do this procedure with daylight conditions
  2. connect the rfxtrx433 module to a PC laptop with a rfxmngr software running and connected.
  3. select the 433.42Mhz frequency and press set. (it works in 433.92Mhz but the transmission will be even better at the right frequency carrier)
  4. go to the “RFY” tab and select your ID x/yy/zz and group g. Return to “main” tab and press the “save setting” button. Return to the “RFY” tab
  5. install the RFmodule to the location where originally a somfy remote must be installed. For the slidymoove 600 it’s close to the led’columns where there is a “target” icon. Keep the module in this position until the end of the procedure.
  6. select “program” then press during 2s the main “I/O” button on the motor in order to enter into “bind” mode, then press “transmit” in the PC software. If binding is ok, the red power led should blink once (it’s not super visible so be aware).
  7. now select “up transmit < 0.5s” and then press again to transmit. No gate opening, it’s normal but the top column “radio” green led should blink once too.
  8. if it’s ok, you can now select “up” and transmit… your gate should open. then if you select “stop” or “close” and transmit. your gate should stop or close respectively
  9. binding procedure done.

Hope it can help

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