I am trying to control my main entrance motor gate, i.e. a SOMFY slidymoove 600 working with the RTS protocol coupled with a RFXtrx433XL module flashed with the last firmware.
First of all I have to say than I managed to bind the gate with the RFXtrx433XL module @ 433.92Mhz via the RFXmngr PC software. So I can open/stop and close it via the up/stop/down commands in this software.
From log in this software, and my ID and group I choosen, I see that any command started with
0c1a00 xx 020119 01 where if I understood well xx is an incremental number each time I transmit a command. Here 020119 and 01 are the ID and the group unit I choosen
Now let’s go to HA… I ran the hardware configuration in hassio/system and it gave me this following path to access to the RF module plugged into one of the USB port (a RASPI 3b+)
so in configuration.yaml, I started to configure the rfxtrx hub via:
device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433XL_DO44BK48-if00-port0
When I checked the config, no error was reported.
Then I decided to use a cover object to control the gate seems functionalities are more or less the same… Maybe I am wrong ? anyway I configured the cover as:
- platform: rfxtrx
automatic_add: false
name: portail
where we can recognize the 0c1a000002011901 given by RFXmngr…
The problem is nothing worked … when i ran the service cover.open_cover on the entity portail …
I logged in homeassistant the rfxtrx module and I had an error saying he don’t recognize the
0c1a000002011901 in the setup.py of this module …
In the documentation, for a cover, the code sequence starts with 071a0000 probably the id for real covers …
So I am stucked into this problem… More … when I tried to unplugged the key and restart hassio the machine was completly out of order until I commented all rfxtrx definition in configuration.yaml… Good to know.
Any tips ?