So, I’ve had the rfxtrx integration running for a long time, and have had the “Automatically add” feature active. During an update of home assistant - perhaps the database migration - I think this has gone haywire and I now have more than 10000 devices and 45000 entities in the rfxtrx integration. This make my whole installation unstable and I get a false triggers etc. I have therefore deactivated rfxtrx for the moment which solves the problem with stability, but I’d like to use my rfxtrx devices.
Is there a way to batch delete a bunch of devices from the database? They are given names like switch.pt2262_100110
and switch.ac_0ab63e2_11
, so a glob on pt????_??????
and ac_???????_*
would maybe be good.
Edit: Just to add - I run my database on a separate server. It is MySQL (MariaDB), so if there is a safe SQL command I can run to batch delete based on a glob or something, I’d be glad to test it.