Rfxtrx binary sensor - receiving off state

Hey all,

I’m just new to Home Assistant, and trying to set all my stuff up again what I had in Domoticz. I’m using a cheap Chinese door sensor to check if my mailbox has been opened. Now I want to get a notification when that happen, and I’m using Node-Red for that. Everything works fine, but the issue here is that my sensor default sending an “off” command. When it’s off once, it won’t trigger any further events.

I’ve tried to set my “sensor” to on again with node-red, but that isn’t working. I’ve also tried to use the “off_delay” option, but since it’s off, it won’t toggle to the previous state I guess?

I think I’ve 2 options here: getting my state from “off” back to something else, or triggering events even if my state is off already.

Thanks in advance!