Rfxtrx - change usb port

I had to change the port and now the device does not work. How can I change/check the port?

The device was automatically found and configured on the other port.

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Did you figure it out yet? I have the same issue and cannot find it in the configuration.

Not sure, but try searching inside the hidden folder in the configuration folder. The port is saved somewhere inside a configuration file. Make backups before.

Found it! Added the code below to configuration.yaml. It is now mapped bij id and not the USB port. So if the ports are switched it doesn’t matter. You can find the ID when you go to settings > system > hardware. Select the 3 dots menu and choose ‘All hardware’ scroll down to the USB devices and there you will find the id.

  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A1QHDCB-if00-port0


Did you use the integration ? Because I have the same problem, but I do not have an entry in my configuration.yaml, I used the integration and the port is hidden from me.

Does someone know in what (hidden) file this is stored ? Or how I can change it ?

Something happened on my Debian HA server and all usb-ports changed, fixed my zwave & zigbee ports, but cannot find how to change the RFXTRX port


Found it : it 's in: .storage\core.config_entries look for RTX and you’ll find “device”: “/dev/something”
replace the “/dev/something” by the correct device eg “/dev/ttyUSB0”

It fixed my problem.



thanks Chris
worked for me to, did have to reboot after the change.
First i tried just to start up the integration, however that did overwrite my change back to original (wrong one)
So I did redo the change and then rebooted home assistant, when it stared it all worked


Thanks, was migrating to docker, docker doesn’t expose serial by id devices, so I had to change to ttyUSB0.