I have somfy covers managed by rfxtrx platform and original remotes. These don’t have position sensor.
So when I open or close one cover manually with a remotes, hass can’t see that the new state (open or closed) of the cover.
I have also zigbee door sensor (using mqtt and zigbee2mqtt) that I wan’t to bind to a cover.
I tried to change the state of the cover according to the sensor but I can’t figure how to do that in the automation panel.
alias: Cover 4 position
description: ''
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.open_door_4_contact
attribute: contact
to: closed
condition: []
- device_id: d7aaaefc54964d7699fbbe3b3ef7499a
domain: rfxtrx
mode: single
Can you help me ?