Rfxtrx dual/double ID for both binary sensor and light

Hi all…

Just wondering if someone can help me… I use a pretty standard Maplin 433mhz remote and switches, along with hass.io [rpi] and rfxtrx component.

I want to be able to use the remotes or hass.io to trigger the lights. Initially I had the remote on a different channel to the lights, and triggered the change of state with an automation. This ensured that if the remote triggered the light, the state was updated in hass.io.

However in the event of any problems with hass.io, this meant the remote no longer worked.

Wha I ideally would like is to have the remote as a binary sensor and the switch as a light, which both share the same id via the rfxtrx. However, one overrides the other in the UI and so I can only either see a binary sensor or light, not both… basically once the ID is used on one entitiy it can’t be used as a second…

Is there any way around this? I had hoped to write an automation that changed the state of the binary sensor and/or light depending onwhich one was triggered, but maybe I am going about this the wrong way.

TL;DR I want to be able to use both my 433mhz remote and hass.io while maintaining the correct state in the UI… please help…
