RFXtrx - More strange behavior

So, wrote this: RFXtrx sunscreen (cover) detected as binary sensor, earlier today when trying to migrate all my 433MHz devices to Home Assistant from Domoticz.

Now I have found more strange things, and maybe someone can help me understand why it is like this, or tell me how to fix it.

I have a couple of motion detectors (X10-protocoll) which is discovered as sensors, and not binary sensors. They work just fine in HA, and is see that the status changes between motion and no motion. But still they should be binary sensors, right? They same goes for my door/windows sensors (also X10). Everything ends up as sensors.

Then I have a couple of Nexa KD-101 smoke detectors. They are also discovered as sensors, and not binary sensors. Here it is a bit of bigger problem. Since they only report panic, and doesn’t send anything when they go back to normal. If they would have been binary sensors I could set “off_delay”, and that would have taken care of that.

The last thing (except my sunscreen that I asked about in the earlier thread) is the remotes for my home alarm system. They also shows up as sensors. And I guess that the only option here in Home Assistant. But in Domoticz they are more like switches. So I can actually send commands as well as read the last button pressed.

Is there a way for me to change the domain of alla of these devices?

I have tried to put the i.e. motion sensors under binary sensors instead of sensors, like this:

  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: false
# Try to move to binary_sensor
#    devices:
#      082001c23f30080469:
#        name: kitchen_motion

  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: false
        name: kitchen_motion

But then HA stops updating the status, so that doesn’t seems to be the right thing to do here.