Rfxtrx Somfy RFY without programming new ids

Hello everyone,

just another Somfy RFY thread, but until now i wasn’t able to integrate the blinds.
My parents are using different “smart”-devices like z-wave, enocean, shelly and Somfy RTS blinds. They run OpenHAB on a Raspberry Pi 3b+ but it doesn’t work as they want to. So after I finished my house renovations, installed all my shellys and started home automation with homeassistant and the homekit integration they wanted it too.

So I got a new Raspberry, installed homeassistant and integrated the Z-Wave, Enocean and Shelly Devices, configured everything in Homekit and now they are 95 % happy, they are missing the blindscontroll.

So I tried everything to integrate it with the RFXTRX Integration. I got all the Codes from OpenHAB but they won’t work in homeassistant. I am not able to program new Codes with the RFX manager but they should work with the Codes I got from OpenHAB.

One Code for example ist 1545.1, but if I want to add a new device there is just a message saying the Code is invalid. I tried the following code 071a0000154501. Do you have any hint for me?

Best regards

Just throwing this out there. Its inexpensive, easy, and it works.

There is one byte (unit code) missing. The length byte says 07 bytes but only 6 follow.
For example unit 01:

16-1-2024 08:54:51:821= 071A000015450101
Packettype = RFY
subtype = RFY
Sequence nbr = 0
id1-3 = 154501 decimal:1393921
Unit = 1
Command = stop

Use List remotes on the RFY tab in RFXmngr to see all codes in use