RFXTRX with BWR102 scale - not recognized?


RFXTRX-433-XL (fw 1044)
HA: 2022-2

My Oregon BWR101 weight scale does not appear in HA after “enable automatic add”.
Logging is set to debug.

Log: (what seems to belong to this weight scale)

2022-02-06 15:48:42 DEBUG (Thread-4) [RFXtrx] Recv: 0x0a 0x52 0x01 0x23 0xf6 0x01 0x00 0xc7 0x1f 0x02 0x89
2022-02-06 15:48:44 DEBUG (Thread-4) [RFXtrx] Recv: 0x08 0x5d 0x01 0x24 0x00 0x01 0x00 0xa8 0x70


  device: /dev/ttyUSB1
  automatic_add: true

RFX Manager output

06-Feb-22 02:54:21:338= 085D01020001002F70
Packettype    = WEIGHT
subtype       = BWR102
Sequence nbr  = 2
ID            = 0001 decimal:1
Weight        = 4.7 kg
Signal level  = 7  -64dBm

Manually adding event “085D01020001002F70” via the HA RFX GUI results in “Invalid event code”
(taken the event code from the RFX Manager output)

Any idea how I could troubleshoot further?