RFXtrx433E not working Hassio

Hi Guys,

i am struggling to get my RFXcom device working, i tried te following:

  1. connected my rfxcom to my usb port on my raspberry pi 4
  2. edited my config to:
# RFXcom configuratie
  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A12IURJD-if00-port0

also tried:

# RFXcom configuratie
  device: '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A12IURJD-if00-port0'


# RFXcom configuratie
  device: /dev/ttyUSB0


# RFXcom configuratie
  device: '/dev/ttyUSB0'

noting worked, and yes i checked with dmesg | grep tty in ssh
also you can find the serial by-id address by going to Hass.io -> System -> press hardware button

and yes i added the following:

    platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: true
        name: test

    platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: true

nothing shows up, on switches i added manually device but this does not give any respons.

disconnected my RFXtrx433E and connected it to my raspberry pi 3B+ with domoticz and tested the settings and firmware (1025) EXT
it works…

now i got really serious …
WHIPED my entire hassio installation and setup and flashed the sd with a fresh Hassio image (3.7) fully raspberry pi4 supported (32 bit)
added nothing but the configurator to add the rfx trx and tested. (did not work)
i went even further…
i deleted my domoticz setup (the rfxcom devices where the only thing left on there) and flashed the raspberry pi 3B+ with a new and clean hassio image (3.7) same thing not working.

so i don’t know anymore how to get this working.

i can see the device from hardware inside hassio and when i leave the lines in the configuration and disconnect the device i get an error.

what else can i try ?

i also tried the True options with capitals and without no difference.
searched most of the forums but cannot find any solution that works for me, and yes if i check the security it is pointed into the audio group but adding root to the audio group does not help.

if more information is needed i will provide…
thnx in advance

I think your device should be between quotes:

    platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: true
        name: test

For the config, here is mine (on Pi4):

# rfxtrx device
  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433XL_DO3GSUS0-if00-port0
  debug: false

Browetd, i will try that, the switch shows up but does not respond…
i will get back to you if it works…
current config is:

# RFXcom configuratie
  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A12IURJD-if00-port0
  debug: true
  dummy: false

Hi @licky_lauda,

I’m using the RFXcom antenna with my setup and have the following in my configuration files, and it works great :slight_smile:.

I’m currently running HA version “Home Assistant 0.102.1”


  device: /dev/ttyUSB0
# debug (Optional): If you want to receive debug output.
  debug: true
  dummy: false

switch: !include settings/switch.yaml


- platform: rfxtrx
#  automatic_add: True (You should of course added this for discovering new devices)
  automatic_add: False
  signal_repetitions: 3
        name: F_plug1_sonos
        name: F_plug2_sonos
        name: f_gaestevaerelselampe
        name: f_juletrae
        name: f_lampe_i_vindue
        name: F_Lille_lampe
        name: F_Skrivebordslys
        name: f_sovevaerelseslys
        name: F_MH_Lille
        name: F_MH_Stor


# RFXcom Sensor Devices
- platform: rfxtrx
# automatic_add: True
  automatic_add: False
        name: rfxcom_telldus_double_temperature_1 
        - Temperature
        name: rfxcom_telldus_double_temperature_2
        - Temperature
        name: rfxcom_neighbor_rain_unit_1
        - Rain rate
        name: OBH_Ude
        - Temperature
        name: rfxcom_telldus_hygro_temp_1_temp
        - Temperature

thnx, for the advice.
i cleaned it up, when i get home i will test again if i can get the rfx working.

result of my cleanup:

switch: !include switch.yaml
light: !include light.yaml
sensor: !include sensor.yaml
cover: !include cover.yaml
zone: !include zone.yaml

#                                                    #
# RFXcom configuratie
#                                                    #

  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A12IURJD-if00-port0
  debug: true
  dummy: false


#                                                    #
# Switch configuratie
#                                                    #
- platform: rfxtrx
  automatic_add: true
      name: test


#                                                    #
# Light configuratie
#                                                    #

- platform: rfxtrx
  automatic_add: true


#                                                    #
#Afvalbeheer configuratie
#                                                    #

- platform: afvalbeheer
  wastecollector: Cyclus
      - gft
      - papier
      - pmd
  postcode: <somepostcode>
  streetnumber: <streetnumber>
  upcomingsensor: 0
  dateformat: '%d-%m-%Y'
  dateonly: 0
  name: ""
  nameprefix: 1
  builtinicons: 0
  dutch: 1

#                                                    #
# CPU temperatuur van de Raspberry Pi
#                                                    #

- platform: command_line
  name: CPU Temperatuur
  command: "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"
  unit_of_measurement: "°C"
  value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(1) }}'

#                                                    #
# GPU temperatuur van de Raspberry Pi
#                                                    #

- platform: command_line
  name: GPU Temperatuur
  command: "/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp"
  unit_of_measurement: "°C"
  value_template: '{{ value | replace("temp=", "") | replace("''C", "") }}'


#                                                    #
# Cover configuratie
#                                                    #

- platform: rfxtrx
  automatic_add: true

‘nah not yet guys… ;)’

Ok, tried the above suggestions, not working. tried to add manually a cover and tested with that but no luck yet.

Today did the next step, i put the EXT2 firmware version 1025 on the RFXtrx433E and configured the right protocols and saved settings. then when i get home i will attach it again to my raspberry pi4 and do the tests again. i will keep you all posted.

Did not work again.
Working on a temporary workaround untill we can solve this. if my workaround is a succes i will post my steps here.

the next step i took was install a clean install of raspbian on rpi3 and use ser2net on port 5000
installed it tested it and the rfxcom works on the rpi3.
changed the settings in my Hassio config to:

  port: 5000

and nothing happens…
checked for connections with netstat and saw it was connected. but still no show.

so i took my rfxcom found a windows laptop on my colleage’s desk and used the config manager to check the protocols again and frimware settings. still the same so no problems there.
restored a backup of my domoticz on the rpi3 and tested if the switches and lights still responded. that still worked.
i was getting crazy like a rabid dog now…
i flashed my rpi3 with a clean raspbian image and then installed hassio in a docker
attached the rfxcom and changed the config so we have a clean hassio on a clean raspbian. now wait till something shows up. (i cant press any buttons now cuz im not home :wink:
if someone needs the instructions on how to install it that way, i can post them.

latest news !!! after:

sudo chmod 0777 /dev/ttyUSB0

on the rpi3 with raspbian and hassio install there are switches appearing. ill keep you all posted…

one device shows up but does not respond to anything. i changed my second rpi back to domoticz so i can get the light working in schedule again. if someone has an answer or solution and wants me to try, feel free to post. for now i will leave it alone.

hello, i have a quick uestion did you by any change install HACS just before the problems started? rfx has been working on my side for over a year, but when i installed hacs the problems started.

Sorry for the late respond, yes i had hacs installed, but even with a clean install without hacs i could not get i t to work. so i changed everything to zigbee.

Thanks for the feedback, I think I will have to change my setup as well, rfx is working now but very unstable.

This just saved my bacon, thank you very much!