Hi Guys,
i am struggling to get my RFXcom device working, i tried te following:
- connected my rfxcom to my usb port on my raspberry pi 4
- edited my config to:
# RFXcom configuratie
device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A12IURJD-if00-port0
also tried:
# RFXcom configuratie
device: '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A12IURJD-if00-port0'
# RFXcom configuratie
device: /dev/ttyUSB0
# RFXcom configuratie
device: '/dev/ttyUSB0'
noting worked, and yes i checked with dmesg | grep tty in ssh
also you can find the serial by-id address by going to Hass.io -> System -> press hardware button
and yes i added the following:
platform: rfxtrx
automatic_add: true
name: test
platform: rfxtrx
automatic_add: true
nothing shows up, on switches i added manually device but this does not give any respons.
disconnected my RFXtrx433E and connected it to my raspberry pi 3B+ with domoticz and tested the settings and firmware (1025) EXT
it works…
now i got really serious …
WHIPED my entire hassio installation and setup and flashed the sd with a fresh Hassio image (3.7) fully raspberry pi4 supported (32 bit)
added nothing but the configurator to add the rfx trx and tested. (did not work)
i went even further…
i deleted my domoticz setup (the rfxcom devices where the only thing left on there) and flashed the raspberry pi 3B+ with a new and clean hassio image (3.7) same thing not working.
so i don’t know anymore how to get this working.
i can see the device from hardware inside hassio and when i leave the lines in the configuration and disconnect the device i get an error.
what else can i try ?
i also tried the True options with capitals and without no difference.
searched most of the forums but cannot find any solution that works for me, and yes if i check the security it is pointed into the audio group but adding root to the audio group does not help.
if more information is needed i will provide…
thnx in advance