Since about a week I have a strange issue here with my rfxtrx433XL.
I have 5 TFA temperature/humidity sensors active on 5 different channels. In trxmgr on my laptop I see them communicating in intervals of about 70/80 seconds. In HA I see some of them updating, but some of them not or once in about 3 till 12 hours. After a reboot they all come online, but not for long. Sometimes the whole rfxtrx seems to “hang”. I have to disconnect/connect the USB cable to get it working again.
I’m running the latest version of HA on a PI4 and the latest firmware in the rfxtrx.
I put in a powered hub, but nothing realy changed. In the RFXtrx FAQ they mentioned that this is needed when the RPI’s power supply is not powerfull enough.
I’m busy now with scaling down. Yesterday evening I removed 2 of the 3 generic thermostat’s (briljantly build) from the system. The sensors worked for about 2 hours.
At the moment I powered down two of my five (maximum) sensors. Let’s what that brings.
If somebody has a briljant idea, please let me know. For the record, it as worked fine. The problem is that I can’t recall when it went wrong.
Is there a way to read the last updated status of a sensor in a automation. In this way I can send a message when it does go wrong.
A update. Scaling down didn’t work. At last I installed a older version of HA without any Addons. I only installed the RFXtrx intgration. This installation also stopped updating after a few hours.
Below the version:
Home Assistant 2022.10.4
Supervisor 2022.10.0
Operating System 9.0
Frontend-versie: 20221010.0 - latest
Now I have to find out how to install a older version of Home assistent.
Finaly found the problem. The problem is the RPI4 and/or it’s powersupply. I moved the powersupply to a other outlet in the same circuit and the problem is gone. It is very likely that the refrigirator and/or the freezer nearby are giving pulses on the powercircuit. It seems that this lockes up the USB of the RPI. It has only effect on the receiving part of the rfxtrx. Transmitting to switches stays working.
I tried other powersupplies, but that didn’t worked out, because I have a RPI4 only working with the Blackberry powersupply.