RFXTX433 and PT2262 devices

I’m just moving from Domoticz to Home Assistant and using the RFXTX433 for various devices - all seem OK apart from my PT2262 PIRs.

I’ve tried following the guide in the documentation, but can’t seem ti make sense. The PIR creates many devices if the RFXTX is set to allow automatic add.

can anyone advise me on how I could add these PIRs? I’m including a part of the log where I allowed auto add, activated the sensor then switched it off.

2023-02-28 01:34:00.389 DEBUG (Thread-59 (_connect)) [RFXtrx] Recv: 0x09 0x13 0x00 0x00 0x55 0x3b 0x0a 0x01 0x3d 0x70
2023-02-28 01:34:00.395 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event: {'packet_type': 19, 'sub_type': 0, 'type_string': 'PT2262', 'id_string': '553b0a', 'data': '09130000553b0a013d70', 'values': {'Command': 'Unknown command (0x553b0a)', 'Rssi numeric': 7}}
2023-02-28 01:34:00.404 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx.sensor] Sensor update (Device ID: 553b0a Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0)
2023-02-28 01:34:00.406 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx.binary_sensor] Binary sensor update (Device ID: 553b0a Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0)
2023-02-28 01:34:08.477 DEBUG (Thread-59 (_connect)) [RFXtrx] Recv: 0x09 0x13 0x00 0x01 0x55 0x3b 0x0a 0x01 0x3d 0x70
2023-02-28 01:34:08.483 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event: {'packet_type': 19, 'sub_type': 0, 'type_string': 'PT2262', 'id_string': '553b0a', 'data': '09130001553b0a013d70', 'values': {'Command': 'Unknown command (0x553b0a)', 'Rssi numeric': 7}}
2023-02-28 01:34:08.484 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Found possible device 553b0a for 553b0a with the following configuration:
2023-02-28 01:34:08.488 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx.sensor] Sensor update (Device ID: 553b0a Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0)
2023-02-28 01:34:08.494 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx.binary_sensor] Binary sensor update (Device ID: 553b0a Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0)
2023-02-28 01:34:38.652 DEBUG (Thread-59 (_connect)) [RFXtrx] Recv: 0x09 0x13 0x00 0x02 0x55 0x3b 0x0a 0x01 0x3b 0x70
2023-02-28 01:34:38.658 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event: {'packet_type': 19, 'sub_type': 0, 'type_string': 'PT2262', 'id_string': '553b0a', 'data': '09130002553b0a013b70', 'values': {'Command': 'Unknown command (0x553b0a)', 'Rssi numeric': 7}}
2023-02-28 01:34:38.659 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Found possible device 553b0a for 553b0a with the following configuration:
2023-02-28 01:34:38.666 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx.sensor] Sensor update (Device ID: 553b0a Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0)
2023-02-28 01:34:38.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx.binary_sensor] Binary sensor update (Device ID: 553b0a Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0)

Hello, I’m in the same situation. have you found a solution to use your PT2262 devices?

It seems that you may be able to see the devices as X10 - though you need a rfxtx 433e or later for that to work.

Thank you for answering. I indeed got them to work by enabling Lighting4 and X10 protocols.
Each device is creating multiple devices in the RFXtrx integration… Once a new device is discovered I had to configure it with an off delay (2sec) to be able to view the ON commands coming.
Then it is a matter of identifying the device that really work and disabling the others.
Not very intuitive compared to my many Zigbee/Zwave devices :roll_eyes:
My next challenge is to have the devices recognised as motion sensors… I haven’t had time to work on that.