RGB automation trigger

Hello , is it possible to trigger an automation if a light is set to a certain RGB value ?
I cant get it to trigger. I tried: Trigger type: State → Entity: [my light] → Attribute: RGb color → To : 0, 255, 12


attribute: rgb_color
to: [0, 255, 12] # no quotes around this!

I was trying to accomplish something similar. But whenever the light changes to blue the automation does not trigger. Here is what I enter into the automation editor

platform: state
  - light.bedside_lamp
to: "[0, 0, 255]"
attribute: rgb_color

I also tried the same code without the quotes which in YAML translates to:

platform: state
  - light.bedside_lamp
  - 0
  - 0
  - 255
attribute: rgb_color

Any help you can provide to trigger based on light color would be helpful