RGB Light Groups Color Not Adjustable as of 2023.4.x

Is this an issue? I cannot seem to find anyone else talking about this, yet it seems like a UI problem. I somehow doubt I am the only person using light groups, so I am super perplexed. Can someone double check me?

Here is how to recreate the issue:

  1. Create a light group including at least two (2) color-adjustable lights in your configuration.yaml
  2. Add the light group to a dashboard using any entity card.
  3. Drill down into the card to access the brightness controls.
  4. Click the “change color” button.
  5. Notice how there is no color selector. Just an empty UI box.


Am I the only one experiencing this?

Help please?

So I managed to resolve this issue. For some reason in this update, light groups defined in the configuration.yaml no longer work in the UI. Instead, I had to define my light groups as helper entities. When defining light groups here, the color controls work as expected.

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