RGB Light Strip .. color cycle and detection

Hi all,

Really struggling with the limited knowledge of automation (hair pulling moments here)…

I have a Zigbee RGB lights strip in my study, as well as a motion sensor.

So what try to achieve :

  • Sunset the RGB Lightstrip needs to come on at 10%, cycling through a list of colors at a 15min interval ea (using a blueprint ‘Color Loop’ for this)
  • 11pm the lights turn off
  • when I enter the study (motion detected) I want the lights to turn up to 90%, @5100 kelvin for 15 mins, then return back to the 10% color loop

Whats currently happening…
sunset the color cycling is happening @10% - happy days :wink:
the motion sensor triggers, but not always the 90% light, and if it does, only lasted till the motion detection is cleared, avg 30s

Here’s some of the yaml code:

#Trigger (Motion Sensor)
platform: state

  • binary_sensor.motion_sensor_iaszone
    to: “on”
    from: “off”

condition: device
type: is_on
device_id: 6675ca…
entity_id: light.rgb_office
domain: light

#Action (yes its calling 3 actions)

  1. 'Call Service: Lights On (brightness etc configured)
  2. Timer Delay: 15mins
  3. Call the blueprint (currently setup as a scene, as I cant work out how else to call it)

Hope this make sense - [Im not sure how else to show the different snippits / automations / scripts / scense]. Im sure there must be a better way in doing this, any pointers / suggestions ?

Thanks !

Manage to get it sorted

Overthinking was the downfall here,

A simple automation for the bluepint
Then a trigger with trigger IDs to controll it all