RGB Light Switch

AU $29.74 52%OFF | RGB Wifi Wall LED Scene Light Switch WIFI Wireless APP Control Smart Home Touch Switches Works with Alexa/Google Home and IFTTT

I found this on AliExpress, it looks like a tuya product? It’s using the smart life app…

Would it be usable as an RGB led and a light switch? So I could use the colours for notifications/reminders? :joy:

The Tuya api/integration code supports colour setting if it is exposed to the cloud, so I guess it comes down to how the switch/light is exposed via the API - if it is an RGB light AND a switch and both components show, then probably…

Don’t forget you will need a neutral wiring set up - depending on the age of your home, and location, this may not be the case (my 3 year old house in Australia does - I note the use of AU in your link…)

I’ll also mention that your local laws may hinder your ability to do this electrical work…

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I might have to grab one just to find out hmm…
My building has the wire too, im NSW, sparky so good for the work.

I will bow to your better electrical wiring knowledge then :slight_smile:

(is the profile suitable as a drop in replacement? Looks very USA specific profile despite the voltage/frequency support)

Yeah it might take some fiddling to get it to fit, but tbh theres a lot of REALLY NICE designed products that are the US style so im not too fussed with giving it a go…

If you are in Aus (I’m assuming based on quoting AUD) I would not purchase this. I can not see anywhere on the listing that its has Aus electrical approval. I have just had a quick look, so may have missed it.

Unless you feel like risking your house for a cheap light/switch, I would steer clear. There is a thread here where Aussies post and chat about Aus certified products. There are some good switches by Zemismart that are Aus certified for use.