Hey everyone,
i finally got my sk6812 running thanks to you all and especially @DotNetDann !
They switch on white as they should, and i can control the brightness and color in HA, but when i choose any effect they get stuck in their current state, and wont respond anymore.
Can anyone give me a hint where i made a mistake?

Ok, so the “solid” colors work fine, but only the “fire” and “twinkle” effects work.
I´m using the Sketch from @DotNetDann, and just changed the usual connection stuff.
Guess there is something wrong with the effects?

Haha I had the same issue, used a CSV node in Node red to solve it. Don’t know about HA though, sorry

@SmilingJack are the effects working as they should. Is rgbw sk6812 working like as in bruh’s video.

Nope, i still have noch idea whats wrong.
I’m using the McLighting code till i habe the time to really Dive into this.

@DotNetDann I am trying your code and order the level shifter from amazon … but cant find a mosfet with same specs. I dont know enough about mosfets to choose a diff one … can you point to a suitable one on amazon. I am running 144 leds on 1 meter strip

I’m using this for my sk6812 at the moment.

It works perfect for the sk6812, only thing is that i’d like to have transitions working. Does anyone know how to implement it in the code? I would love to have a nice fade when turning the leds on/off and changing the brightness/ colors. And when needed, define a longer transition in home assistant like in a script or scene.

@DotNetDann been using this setup for a while now works really good, thanks for your time. do you happen to have anymore documentation on how to add new effects. novice with aurduino ide but have been trying with not much luck :smile:

Thanks for the feedback. Glad you like it.

Effects are straight forward.

  1. In the loop() you just add another option for effect. (duplicate the other if blocks)
  2. Put your new effect function in the NeoPixel_Effects.h file.
  3. Test.

There are many examples in NeoPixel_Effects.h that can get you started.

If you make some nice effects, please push to the repository (or send me the code if you dont know how)

I tried your codes and faced some problems below.

  1. inside config.yaml, input_slider component cannot be found. I changed to input_number and it is not working properly.

  2. If i remove the input_slider component, LED strip will light up for solid colours only. Effect will not run and the ESP8266 seems to crash.

  3. Light switch for ON works. I could not OFF it by toggling. I can only set WHITE to 0 and BRIGHTNESS to 0 then it will toggle the switch to OFF.

Good evening!

Firstly, I’d like to thank you for your component.
Secondly, I’d like to ask you how it is possible to change settings of the program, so that when arduino is connected to wi-fi it would display status “turned on”. For example, for the white light?


Just comment out line 147
ESP8266-MQTT-JSON-SK6812RGBW-HomeAssistant/ESP_MQTT_Digital_LEDs/ESP_MQTT_Digital_LEDs.ino at master · DotNetDann/ESP8266-MQTT-JSON-SK6812RGBW-HomeAssistant · GitHub

That will stop it turning off once it is connected to Wifi.

Thank you for your help!

Now the puzzle is complete :slight_smile:

Hi, @DotNetDann !

Somehow commenting that line didn’t work.
LED line turns off by connecting to Wi-Fi.

Do you have any piece of advice on how to make it work?


how about SK6812 RGBW 3535 LEDs?