RGBWW Light, ESP EASY fast light howto

I am stuck, completely tried everything and nothing works.
Situation ESP8266, ESP EASY rev147, fast light rgbww protocol installed, works like a charm from the browser but can’t get it to work in HASS!

Tried MQTT - MQTT-JSON - Flux_led - Command_line this always crashes!!! and many more nothing runs!

From browser these are the commands:

Command Syntax:

lights rgb <rrggbb> [fading time in s]

eg: lights,rgb,ff00ff
eg: lights,rgb,ff00ff,10

lights ct <color temp in Kelvin> [fade time in s] [brightness in %]

eg: lights,ct,3000 
eg: lights,ct,2800 1
eg: lights,ct,5500,10,100

lights pct <brightness in %> [fading time in s]

eg: lights,pct,10
eg: lights,pct,90,5

lights on [fading time in s]

eg: lights,on
eg: lights,on,5

lights off [fading time in s]

eg: lights,on
eg: lights,on,1

lights toggle [fading time in s]

eg: lights,toggle
eg: lights,toggle,5

RGB1, 000000,00,00,00,00


Some of my mistakes:

# -   platform: mqtt
    # name: "H801"
    # state_topic: "RGBWW1/RGB1/rgb"
    # command_topic: "RGBWW1/RGB1/rgb"
    # state_value_template: "{{ value_json.state }}"
    # rgb_value_template: "{{ value_json.rgb }}"
    # color_temp_state_topic: "RGBWW1/RGB1/pct"
    # color_temp_command_topic: "RGBWW1/RGB1/pct"
    # color_temp_value_template: "{{value_json.pct}}"
    # rgb_state_topic: "RGBWW1/RGB1/Lights"
    # rgb_command_topic: "RGBWW1/RGB1/Lights"
    # qos: 0
    # payload_on: "ON"
    # payload_off: "OFF"
    # optimistic: false


# -   platform: mqtt
    # name: "H801"
    # state_topic: "RGBWW1/lights/rgb"
    # command_topic: "RGBWW1/lights/rgb"
    # brightness: true
    # rgb: true


# -   platform: flux_led
    # devices:
        # name: H801
        # mode: "rgb"
    # # state_topic: "RGBWW1/lights/rgb"
    # # command_topic: "RGBWW1/lights/rgb/set"
    # # brightness: true
    # # rgb: true
    # # optimistic: false
    # # qos: 0


-   platform: command_line
        command_on: 'curl -k GET ",on"'
        command_off: 'curl -k GET ",off"'
        command_state: 'curl -k GET ""'
        value_template: '{{ value == "1" }}'
        friendly_name: H801_RGBWW

And so on many more not functioning options please help

O and yes Protocol command_line always bugs out on me whatever I try, I have one running with a kaku/coco light and that works but adding another switch ends in error in HASS gui

please please help

O another snippet I use, seen the fact that I don’t get a colorpicker, I use sliders this is the code and it gives a neat hex code for rgb:

- alias: dim licht
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_slider.slider1
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_slider.slider2
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_slider.slider3
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_slider.slider4
    - service: mqtt.publish
    # shell_command.call_rgbww1
        rood: '{{ "%X"|format(states.input_slider.slider1.state | int) }}'
        groen: '{{ "%X"|format(states.input_slider.slider2.state | int) }}'
        blauw: '{{ "%X"|format(states.input_slider.slider3.state | int) }}'
        level: '{{states.input_slider.slider4.state | int}}'
        rgb: '{{ "%X"|format(states.input_slider.slider1.state | int) }}{{ "%X"|format(states.input_slider.slider2.state | int) }}{{ "%X"|format(states.input_slider.slider3.state | int) }}'
        entity_id: switch.h801

@jayjay : Did you ever got this to work ?