Rhasspy broken since Home Assistant 2023.6

Since the upgrade to Home Assistant 2023.6, Rhasspy is broken.
When playing a local sound just after the wake word, i have this error :

[ERROR:2023-06-09 19:18:42,209] rhasspyserver_hermes: Command ‘[‘aplay’, ‘-q’, ‘-t’, ‘wav’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/rhasspy/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quart/app.py”, line 1821, in full_dispatch_request
result = await self.dispatch_request(request_context)
File “/usr/lib/rhasspy/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quart/app.py”, line 1869, in dispatch_request
return await handler(**request_.view_args)
File “/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/main.py”, line 1135, in api_play_wav
await asyncio.gather(*aws)
File “/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/init.py”, line 761, in play_wav_data
raise RuntimeError(result.error)
RuntimeError: Command ‘[‘aplay’, ‘-q’, ‘-t’, ‘wav’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.

Something is wrong with onboard sound in many different situations. I can’t pair all the info together, but I do think, it all hangs together on the same quell of problem. Just out of my scope of knowledge. I so hope, the dev’s will jump in…

i’m on a BLUE

well, i think it’s a OS level problem. Not attached to specific hardware, but Linux and handling the sound. I see RPi’s, Blue, x86, all kind of machine’s, but they all suddenly lost onboard sound…

Thank God I’m not the only one. Just spent the last hour troubleshooting, always check the forums first. Getting the exact same message when using my USB speakerphone. My m5stack satellites work without issue though. It appears to be an issue with aiplay based on troubleshooting in the web interface but ever since this update using the wake up word and using the USB speakerphone device connected directly to my HA server via USB (NUC running generic x86 image) it doesn’t work except satellites which I had setup a long time ago with some cheap m5stack devices. Wake up word does nothing and logs are pretty useless, at least based on my brief troubleshooting. Oddly I get audio feedback from my m5stack satellites devices.

I see this is causing issues with other onboard sound integrations or add ons so it does appear to be a larger issue and devs appear to be working on it so if it’s affecting several onboard voice add ons or integrations then I’m sure it will get resolved so I’ll just wait for an update. Thanks.

Not sure if this will help but if I go to the web interface, type “Say Something” in Speak dialog box, which normally says whatever I type through USB speakerphone the below error message is in the logs. Logs were cleared, issue generated and logs copied.

[ERROR:2023-06-10 01:31:28,743] rhasspyserver_hermes: Command '['aplay', '-q', '-t', 'wav']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quart/app.py", line 1821, in full_dispatch_request
    result = await self.dispatch_request(request_context)
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quart/app.py", line 1869, in dispatch_request
    return await handler(**request_.view_args)
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/__main__.py", line 1699, in api_text_to_speech
    results = await asyncio.gather(*aws)
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/__main__.py", line 1685, in speak
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/__init__.py", line 632, in speak_sentence
    raise AudioServerException(play_response.error)
rhasspyserver_hermes.AudioServerException: Command '['aplay', '-q', '-t', 'wav']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
[ERROR:2023-06-10 01:31:28,742] rhasspyserver_hermes: AudioPlayError(error="Command '['aplay', '-q', '-t', 'wav']' returned non-zero exit status 1.", site_id='default', context='13355ffa-6a48-48f6-b623-fa71e6e8f8f9', session_id='13355ffa-6a48-48f6-b623-fa71e6e8f8f9')
[DEBUG:2023-06-10 01:31:28,739] rhasspyserver_hermes: Handling TtsSayFinished (topic=hermes/tts/sayFinished, id=41978a98-17fd-4fd2-8450-8f6ee709746a)
[DEBUG:2023-06-10 01:31:28,688] rhasspyserver_hermes: Handling AudioPlayError (topic=hermes/error/audioServer/play, id=41978a98-17fd-4fd2-8450-8f6ee709746a)
[DEBUG:2023-06-10 01:31:28,672] rhasspyserver_hermes: Handling AudioPlayBytes (topic=hermes/audioServer/default/playBytes/13355ffa-6a48-48f6-b623-fa71e6e8f8f9, id=41978a98-17fd-4fd2-8450-8f6ee709746a)
[DEBUG:2023-06-10 01:31:28,640] rhasspyserver_hermes: Publishing 138 bytes(s) to hermes/tts/say
[DEBUG:2023-06-10 01:31:28,639] rhasspyserver_hermes: -> TtsSay(text='Say something', site_id='default', lang=None, id='13355ffa-6a48-48f6-b623-fa71e6e8f8f9', session_id='', volume=1.0)
[DEBUG:2023-06-10 01:31:28,636] rhasspyserver_hermes: TTS timeout will be 30 second(s)

Same here,

Using a Seed Respeaker
As mentioned: “Error: AudioServerException: Command ‘[‘aplay’, ‘-q’, ‘-t’, ‘wav’, ‘-D’, ‘pulse’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.”
Home Assistant 2023.6.1
Supervisor 2023.06.1
Operating System 10.2
Frontend 20230608.0 - latest

next release. Whenever that may be…

Just wanted to say Rhasspy is now working through my USB speakerphone now and not just my satellites. Not sure if it was the last update but noticed that the USB speakerphone wasn’t showing up in the Rhasspy add on configuration but was showing up under system, hardware, then show all hardware. Tried two HA reboots and it still didn’t show up but did a full reboot of my NUC and it showed up under the add on configuration and is now working with zero issues. Hopefully this is resolved for others as well but if the device is not showing up under the Rhasspy add on configuration try a full reboot. My m5stack satellites never stopped working, just the USB speakerphone plugged in directly to my NUC. Just part of the log in the screenshot were it’s waking up to the wake word Jarvis as it logs quite a bit for each command.

Thanx, for the quick fix. It works again. Even in Dutch :-p

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yes, problem solved with 2023.6.2 just installed !!

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