Rhasspy - How do you reference an entities variable in an Home Assistant automation

How would I reference {{trigger.event.data.entity}} in an mqtt payload_template to evaluate something like {{states.sensor.outside_temperature.state}}
where {{trigger.event.data.entity}} would replace ‘outside_temperature’.

I have Rhasspy integrated with Home Assistant and is working very well.
I would like to have ‘one’ automation to be able to respond with all the different entities defined in a rhasspy slot.

I have a rhasspy slot setup for $Temperatures containing a list of available temperature sensors available to HA.
The Rhasspy sentence send HA the intent [GetTemperature] as an event, with the tag {entity} which would contain the called for temperature sensor.
So the {entity} tag or {{trigger.event.data.entity}} as HA sees it would contain the temperature entity such as ‘outdoor_temperature’

The issue is that I cannot find a way to evaluate the value of the rhasspy {entity} or HA’s {{trigger.event.data.entity}} to have HA return an actual temperature.

Hopefully someone can guide me in the right direction.

Here is my configuration:
HA version 2021.11.5
Rhasspy version 2.5.11
mqtt is external
audio recording and wake word using UDP
send Events to HA (/api/events)
HA and Rhasspy running on same Intel NUC
no satellites (yet)

Rhasspy sentences:

whats the ($Temperatures) {entity} temperature 
whats the temperature ($Temperatures) {entity}
how (hot | cold) is it [in the] ($Temperatures) {entity}

Rhasspy slot: Temperatures

(kitchen | den | downstairs | inside):kitchen_temperature
((master bath) | bathroom):masterbath_temperature
((bonus room) | (allens office)):bonusroom_temperature

# not valid
alias: RhasspyGetTemperature
description: ''
  - platform: event
    event_type: rhasspy_GetTemperature
condition: []
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: hermes/dialogueManager/endSession
      payload_template: >-
        {"sessionId": "{{trigger.event.data._intent.sessionId}}", "text": "the
        {{trigger.event.data.entity_raw_value}} temperature is currently
        {{states.sensor.{{trigger.event.data.entity}}.state}} degrees"}
mode: single

FYI, Here is a solution that works
from @romkabouter on the Rhasspy forum

alias: RhasspyGetTemperature
description: ''
  - platform: event
    event_type: rhasspy_GetTemperature
condition: []
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: hermes/dialogueManager/endSession
      payload_template: >-
        {% set value = 'sensor.' + trigger.event.data.entity %}
        {"sessionId": "{{trigger.event.data._intent.sessionId}}", "text": "the
        {{trigger.event.data.entity_raw_value}} temperature is currently
        {{ states(value) }} degrees"}
mode: single


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I am a little bit new in Rhasspy and HA, but experience events instead of intends, suits me better. With the Romkabouter (leuke naam!) script, I will get 20,8 graden. My Rhasspy speaks that number after the comma indistinctly, how can I modify the script to speak only whole degrees?