Hi, since the latest rhasspy upgrade my microophone no longer works well.
The hardware itself is fine (when plugged into a normal computer), and rhasspy also can record something when I put the mic directly infront of my mouth and yell. Even then, the replay of the last command is only very low.
Is there something like a “volume” or “sensitivity” setting for the mic, that I could put higher? I tried pyaudio, arecord, default and pulse devices.
Is there another app/integration that I could use on my hass.io system to test and replay how hass.io/alsa etc. receives sounds?
Interesting timing on your post, I’ve just started dabbling with rhasspy using a respeaker and I was starting to wonder if the respeaker was just a POS or what. Seems that receive sensitivity is horrible. Were you ever able to find any more info on this?
Unfortunately not yet :-/
I’ve came across the same issue.
How did you proceed with your problem?