Rheem Hotwater heater, econet?

Just pushed 0.0.12 so feel free to open a HA PR


Iā€™ll be honest. I donā€™t know python very well. I would love to take it on but Iā€™m very intimidated by the prospects. Iā€™m network/linux engineer by trade not a developer. At the same time, maybe being pushed to take on this HUGE responsibility is the push I need.

Let me think about it :slight_smile:

Sounds good. Yeah I wasnā€™t much of a dev either prior to starting with HA and doing the Wink work and now thats my job lol. Honestly I havenā€™t done much with this library since it was created, just minor bug fixes. The last time I proxied the official Android rheem app it looks like they have moved to a new API so it could be possible that this library stops working (they drop the API) so that would be the only work I see possibly coming.

Has there been any progress getting things working with the latest Rheem/Econet changes?

I seem to be having trouble seeing the entities for this. Is this broken at the moment?

Would it be possible to make use of the ā€˜in_useā€™ to indicate when the unit is heating in the water heater card? It would be useful additional information at a glace similar to how the thermostat cards show when the unit is operating over time. Example:

I can try to take a look to see if that value is coming back from the current API Home Assistant is using.

I recently reach out to Rheem to see if they had a public API (the one HA is using is old, and they donā€™t use it anymore, plus it wasnā€™t public) They stated they planned on having a public API available in the next 12-18 months. I think things will get much better once we can start using that.


Thatā€™s good news! The current integration works very well for me and I appreciate all your hard work. Hopefully official support will expand functionality. My water heater collects a ton of data from various onboard sensors. It would be great to make use of it to trigger automatons etc.

New Rheem Econet owner here. Trying to figure out how to integrate the econet. I added the econet configuration info:

Rheem EcoNet tankless water heater

installed March 2020


I donā€™t see any error messages about it, but I also donā€™t see any trace in the hass web pages that it exists.
Could I trouble folks to a pointer to where I could read more about what I can do with this integration? Thanks!

Mine shows up as the entity below. I can adjust the temp and vacation mode. I think electric models may have access to more features.

current_temperature: null
min_temp: 90
max_temp: 131
temperature: 125
target_temp_high: null
target_temp_low: null
operation_mode: null
on_vacation: false
in_use: false
friendly_name: ā€˜Gas Water Heater [WiFi]ā€™
supported_features: 3

Thatā€™s where I expected to find me. I have about 100 entities in there, but none of them are from the Rheem and no complaints in the log file, either.

More concretely, the log file file has the following information regarding the water_heater and econet:

BSH:sdo-g5> egrep 'econet|water'  homeassistant.log 
2020-03-24 12:56:09 INFO (SyncWorker_7) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded water_heater from homeassistant.components.water_heater
2020-03-24 12:56:09 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded econet from homeassistant.components.econet
2020-03-24 12:56:10 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up water_heater
2020-03-24 12:56:10 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.water_heater] Setting up water_heater.econet
2020-03-24 12:56:10 INFO (SyncWorker_11) [pyeconet.api] Authentication was successful, token set.
2020-03-24 12:56:10 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain water_heater took 0.6 seconds.

But I still canā€™t find any mention of the water_heater in any of the Lovelace screens
What am I missing?

Iā€™m very new to HA but not Home Automation in general. I have a Rheem econet enabled water heater. I added the econet support to my Home Assistant (Hassio) on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and it worked fairly reliably. However, that support was through the Wink software hub. Now, Iā€™ve tried to enable econet support to communicate with Rheem Econet directly and Iā€™ve followed all the directions to enable it using the water_heater component and itā€™s not working. The entity appears as ā€œunavailableā€ and the log reads as followsā€¦

Authentication request failed. Please check credentials: 500
Token expired

Both the iOS and Android apps work normally logging onto and operating econet WRT my water heater but, for some reason, when I enter that same info into my configuration.yaml file, it never successfully logs on.

Has Rheem altered something in their app to disable the function of the water_heater component in HA? Or, am I missing something?


Mine appears to be offline for the last 3 days. The API that was being used was very old and isnā€™t officially used by their app anymore. I would assume they dropped support for that API and we are all SOL now.

I reached out to them about a month back and they said they were working on a public API but it would be awhile before itā€™s done.


Thanks for the quick response. At least I know now that itā€™s probably not something Iā€™m doing wrong. Itā€™s too bad that Rheem chose to severely limit the kind of data and control available to the user even with their own app.

I just got a RPi4 and installed the econet water heater integration (Rheem EcoNet Products - Home Assistant) and, after spending an evening figuring out how to make a card that can display an attribute, I could FINALLY track the upper and lower temperatures of the water heater and not just the setpoint, as the official econet app only shows.

This was working great for about 1-2 days but unfortunately this morning I was getting that HA was not able to connect, and when I went to the econet website login I saw the same. However the android app is working perfectly fine. The website does say:

The EcoNet web browser app will no longer be available as of April 20th, 2018. Please be sure to download the latest EcoNet mobile app from the Apple App Store or from Google Play prior April 20th in order to avoid any disruption

So, maybe they just got around to shutting it off? Not to mention the api seems several years old at this point. Iā€™m kind of at a loss as to what to try next. Iā€™ve sent feedback to Rheem, so Iā€™ll see if they say anything. Itā€™s pretty frustrating as this was one significant benefit I saw getting into Raspberry Pi and HA specifically.

Cā€™est la vie ā€¦

Have been reading from other home automation communities that Rheem did change their api to MQTT. So seems the current integration will need to be redesigned to use MQTT.

Correct. We have a working custom component over here, could use more testers.

Just had an econet water heater installed. Would love to help out with testing the new econet component. Could I an invite to the discord channel? The link above doesnā€™t work.

Sorry about that the links expire by default and I forgot to enable never expire.