Hi, I am using Riemann sum integral to sum the Dark sky’s precipitation to check the amount of precipitation over the last 24 hours. I would use this number to decide if to run the garden irrigation next day or not. However there is no direct way how to reset the sensor value back to 0 after each 24 hours period. Is there any soution to that? Or maybe another way instead of Riemann sum? Thanks.
Use a utility meter to follow the Riemann sum sensor.
The daily cycle option will reset the utility meter at midnight.
Or you can use an automation with a time trigger to call the utility meter calibrate service any time you want. “Calibrate” it to zero.
Or if you use tariffs (night and day for example) you can use the automation and the utility meter reset service.
Or you can use the cron reset option to match any cron pattern to reset the meter.
Hi Tom, thanks a lot, it seems to work. I knew about the meter helper but was somehow reluctunt to use it for measuring the precipitation instead of power consumption
Hi, I am back with some experiments and it seems it is not working properly. As seen on the screenshot the precipitation today from midnight till 5:00 am was above 1 mm/h each hour so the integral sum below the curve on the left (highlighted by rectangle) should be > 5 mm/h. However the sum on the right using utility meter was about 0,7 mm/h. What I am doing wrong? Thanks for any advice.
That is the precipitation rate (mm/h). For the utility meter you need to use the total precipitation (mm).