Riemann Sum state unknown and status paused

Hi All,
I’ve a bunch of tuya plugs with energy monitor and them works fine.
I’m not able to create a Riemann sum and related utility meter.

My configuration is:

  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.surgelatore_e_lavatrice_power
    name: consumo_surgelatore_e_lavatrice
    round: 2
    method: left
    #device_class: energy
    #unit_of_measurement: W
    #unit_prefix: k
    #unit_time: h
    - platform: integration
    source: sensor.smart_plug_3_power
    name: consumo_locale_caldaia
    round: 2
    method: left
    #device_class: energy
    #unit_of_measurement: W
    #unit_prefix: k
    #unit_time: h

    name: "Consumo Lavatrice e Surgelatore"
    source: sensor.consumo_surgelatore_e_lavatrice
    cycle: monthly

    name: "Consumo Locale Caldaia"
    source: sensor.consumo_locale_caldaia
    cycle: monthly

(commented lines are for some tests I did in order to make them working)

Sources are working fine:

Surgelatore e Lavatrice
84.6	(this is current power)
state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: W
device_class: power
icon: mdi:head-snowflake-outline
friendly_name: Surgelatore e Lavatrice

Locale Caldaia
329.2 (this is current power)	
state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: W
device_class: power
icon: mdi:radiator
friendly_name: Locale Caldaia

Meanwhile integration statuses are:

state_class: total_increasing
last_reset: '2022-01-19T14:39:18.419407+00:00'
source: sensor.consumo_surgelatore_e_lavatrice
status: paused
last_period: 0
meter_period: monthly
cron pattern: 0 0 1 * *
icon: mdi:counter
friendly_name: Consumo Lavatrice e Surgelatore

state_class: total_increasing
last_reset: '2022-01-19T14:39:18.419521+00:00'
source: sensor.consumo_locale_caldaia
status: paused
last_period: 0
meter_period: monthly
cron pattern: 0 0 1 * *
icon: mdi:counter
friendly_name: Consumo Locale Caldaia

Thanks in advantage to whom will be help me

You’re yaml isn’t formatted correctly.

incorrect spacing

incorrect spacing

@petro only copy and paste here problem, yaml is correctly formatted:

Are the integration sensors actually being created? You only posted the results of your W sources, and your utility meter entities. You haven’t posted the integration sensors.

yes, I posted only the text since, as new member, I can post only 1 attachment at time: