Right Align Secondry Text In Mushroom Template Card

I would like to right-align the secondary text on a mushroom template card.
I am new to card-mod so I’m still learning.

I want to do this:
Screenshot 2023-08-30 131932

This is the code I currently have that is not working:

  style: |
    mushroom-state-info$: |
    span.secondary {
      text-align: right !important;
    ha-card {
      padding: 5px !important;

Can anybody help me out?

Right alignment is the default …


Not on my side: The default is on the left:
Screenshot 2023-08-30 131602

And I want the secondary text on the Right
Screenshot 2023-08-30 131932

That is me getting left and right confused as usual :wink:

I got the secondary text to align right. But there is something wrong with my formatting as the padding is not being applied. Any ideas about what I am doing wrong?

    mushroom-state-info$: |
      .secondary {
        text-align: right;
      ha-card {
        padding: 5px !important;
    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
      .shape {
        --icon-symbol-size: 15px;

Could it be that some indentations are incorrect?
Try this:

    mushroom-state-info$: |
      .secondary {
        text-align: right;
    ha-card {
      padding: 5px !important;
    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
      .shape {
        --icon-symbol-size: 15px;

I thought so too. But not sure where.

This is the error I get with the above

Configuration errors detected:
can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key (35:14)

 32 |         text-align: right;
 33 |       }
 34 |     ha-card {
 35 |       padding: 5px !important;
 36 |     }
 37 |     mushroom-shape-icon$: |

And if you change the order like this?

    ha-card {
      padding: 5px !important;
    mushroom-state-info$: |
      .secondary {
        text-align: right;
    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
      .shape {
        --icon-symbol-size: 15px;

Same error. I think the issue is related to the ha-card to being in a different format to the others. I am not sure how to change that.

I have tried the below but that does not work.

    ha-card$: | 
      padding: 5px !important;

I finally found what I was doing wrong:

    mushroom-state-info$: |
      .secondary {
        text-align: right !important;
    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
      .shape {
        --icon-symbol-size: 20px !important;
    .: |
      ha-card {
        padding: 5px !important;

For detailed explanation:

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Well done! :+1:
I already knew that GitHub page, but initially could not find the info about your solution.
But it appears to be hidden in the DOM navigation Example:

In there it is explained that the <ha-card> element is the base, and to set the padding of the <ha-card> you have to point directly to the base element in this case, which can be done with the “.” (dot) key.

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