Ring alarm custom component

I have created a custom component for Ring security and light products. I have not incorporated the Ring doorbell devices in this.

Download the contents of the zip file to the custom_components/ring_alarm directory of your HA instance.

Files are here:

For the floodlights which have motion sensors and lights I create a binary sensor for the motion and another switch for the light control.

The Readme within those files have more details.

This is my first component for HA and haven’t coded in a long time and first time Python programming. So, there will be code style issues, misses etc. I have been using it for sometime now and wanted to publish it so others can experiment as well.

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Very nice. I’ve been wanting to do more work on my script but just haven’t had time and it does what I need it to do for now. This will probably be easier for many HA users to use.

Has anyone had success adding this to HassIO? I followed the install instructions with v 0.100.3 and had no luck. Log doesn’t show anything to suggest why

Have not tried in HASSIO, but installed in Docker. v0.100.2. Same thing. Seems to load fine but nothing shows up. Get the following errors in Logs, probably related:

2019-10-24 16:02:02 ERROR (Thread-4) [engineio.client] Received unexpected packet of type 2
2019-10-24 16:02:52 ERROR (Thread-4) [engineio.client] Received unexpected packet of type 2
2019-10-24 16:03:42 ERROR (Thread-4) [engineio.client] Received unexpected packet of type 2
2019-10-24 16:04:07 ERROR (Thread-4) [engineio.client] Received unexpected packet of type 2
2019-10-24 16:04:32 ERROR (Thread-4) [engineio.client] Received unexpected packet of type 2

Have you found any resolution? I’m in the same boat as you. Nothing shows up in the logs and I don’t see any new entries for States, etc.