Ring Alarm / home security system

I too have been patiently waiting…I love my alarm. I did just find the below script and was able to to get a json response of all my devices (sensors). I am going to try and mess with this but i dont really know this all that well…but would love to learn. Ill post if i do happen to figure something out.

Also, all credit goes to this link…I just found it on a google search, played with it and got it working.


const ring = RingAPI({
  email: '[email protected]'
  password: 'secret'

// get list of stations associated with the account
ring.stations((err, stations) => {
  if (err) ...;
  stations.forEach((station) => {
    // get devices associated with each station
    ring.getAlarmDevices(station, (err, station, message) => {
      if (err) ...;

      message.body.forEach((device) => {
      // get properties associated with each device


    // register for DataUpdate messages
    ring.setAlarmCallback(station, 'DataUpdate', (err, station, message) => {
      if (err) ...;


    // set alarm mode
    //   panelId: `zid` property of security-panel device
    //   mode: 'all', 'some', 'none'
    //   bypassSensorIs: an array of `zid` properties of sensor.* devices
    ring.setAlarmMode(station, panelId, mode, bypassSensorIds, (err, station, message) => {
      if (err) ...;


    // done getting information about station
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This would be amazing if someone could get this to work. I’m tired of finding reliable door and motion sensors and would rather much use Ring’s sensors if they are reliable enough.

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I’m very interested to have this integration too.

Looks like someone was able to integrate this using MQTT. Only just set it up myself but seems to be working well.

Great news, now just need to wait for Hassio support.

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Anyone have any luck with Hassio yet?

check out this thread:

Yes I have, even the developer states in that thread he is not sure how to make it work with Hassio

I would love to use the keypad and the panic button for example without their hub, as all products are Z-Wave compatible.


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plus any zwave contact sensors work with the ring alarm

How do you set Ring devices in the mode where they can be added to HA? Usually after your Z-wave controller is set to include devices, you have to do something on the actual Z-Wave device. Anyone tried it?

I also would very much like to see this.

In the meantime, I’m working around using the Ring Alarm sensors by using Ring’s Alexa skill, which lets Alexa routines be set up responding to those sensors, and then setting up routines to toggle input_booleans in HA when the Ring sensors trigger.

Good idea, can you share how you did it? Also, do you have anything for the keypad?

With Ring adding the 2FA I hope with the current Ring integration that the Alarm system and smart lights get added into the mix.

Sure. I’ve got to warn you, though - it’s a real kluge. (And, sadly, doesn’t have anything for the keypad.)

I’m actually not using it for my Ring Alarm sensors any more (I’ve discovered https://github.com/rs1932/ring-alarm-hassio-addon , which covers that and more, like alarm arm/disarm), but I’m still using it for my Yale smart locks via Alexa, and it’s exactly the same technique.

First up, for this, you need the Alexa Smart Home Skill integration set up and working already. The same technique should also work using the Home Assistant Cloud, but I haven’t got that myself.

Then, set up input_booleans to represent your various sensors, etc., and publish them in your smart home skill, thus:

### Door locks

# Receivers
    name: Front Door Lock
    name: Side Door Lock
    name: Back Door Lock

# Alexa
        - input_boolean.front_door_lock
        - input_boolean.side_door_lock
        - input_boolean.back_door_lock

      name: 📜 Front Door Lock
      name: 📜 Side Door Lock
      name: 📜 Back Door Lock

I use the emoji in the names of the devices for Alexa to indicate that they’re intended for use in the automation, and shouldn’t be used manually. Conveniently, it also ensures that all the automation-only devices sort at the end of the list, out of the way. (If the emoji doesn’t come through when you look at the devices in the Alexa app, you can always edit them back in, there.)

So you should now have these:

Then, you need to set up routines to copy the state from the sensor (in my case, the door lock) to the input_boolean. This requires two routines per device, one for locked->on and one for unlocked->off. Which should look like this:

And there you go!

As I said, it’s a bit of a kluge, but it does work. I use a Node-RED flow to “launder” the input_booleans into binary_sensors, but that’s not strictly necessary for anything but the sake of pedantry.

Got it, thank you.

Just a heads up to anyone interested…

I got the Ring Hub and added it plus a ton of Ring security z-wave devices to home assistant (1x Hub, 2x KeyPads, 3x Retro Fit Kits, 3x Door/Window Sensors, 4x motion sensors) only to discover that the Ring Z-wave devices are NOT currently supported in Home Assistant because they’re not currently listed in OpenZWave.

(If anyone is interested I kept all of the z-wave ring device information so someone can add it to open zwave but this process is way too intimidating for me.)

Also, the Ring Hub currently supports joining an existing Z-wave Network (WOOHOO!!!), but currently it’s broken on their software side. When joining your existing Zwave network the hub has the ability to scan the network and detect/integrate all the devices on the Zwave network, but it doesn’t look like Ring has implemented this feature yet. (Harmony Hub with Extender does this well) So right now they hub does nothing when connected to an existing network and basically becomes worthless.

Sooooo… I expect once they get this worked out everything will be great! but until then, don’t add your Ring security Device to Zwave. 1. They’re not currently supported 2. you won’t be able to leverage anything in the Ring app right now which means you can’t use the service either.

Hi guys! Any updates on this?

I’m planning to add ring security system plus camera and sensor at my new house and hoping to integrate those sensors and cameras and security panel into HA

There’s a mqtt add-on that gets this working. But I still don’t see Ring Zwave devices supported in OpenZwave

Hi everyone, I ignorantly went down this route with ozw due to my desire to add keypads into my home for a diy alarm system. Disclaimer I am a general idiot with minimal skill, but maybe someone can champion this going forward

  1. OZW does not implement the entry control class yet. This obviously affects compatibility in zwave2mqtt and the hass openzwave implementation. Latest I could find is here Ring Keypad - Zwave secure inclusion successful - unknown in OZW (google.com)
  2. node-zwave-js does not implement the entry control class yet either [Tracking] Implementation status of Command Classes · Issue #6 · zwave-js/node-zwave-js (github.com)
    2a. If you want to see keypads supported by node-zwave-js please vote here Command Class Wishlist · Issue #729 · zwave-js/node-zwave-js (github.com)
  3. If you would like to see my keypad-v2 config file that obviously doesnt work, due to above limitations then find it here jtscott/open-zwave (github.com)

I am not the right person to be writing code and contributing to either of these lovely projects, but for now I will just setup a ring hub because the hardware is very nice. Hopefully in the future I can dump the hub and bring the devices over to my greater z-wave network but for now that is the only solution I can see.

I would be down to support a bounty for a worthy contributor though!