Ring Alarm integration (non Hass.io)

There seems to be a relative “easy” way to integrated Ring Alarm when using Hass.io. My HA instance is running as a docker app in Unraid. Can anyone please share how to get Ring Alarm integrated without relying on Hass.io ?

Thanks !

See here for a Ring Alarm custom component.

Thanks !! I just tried it out but it doesn’t seem to work. I followed the instructions and everything seems to install fine but I don’t see any sensors or entities created after I rebooted HA.

Have you tried this ? Just wondering how I can troubleshoot this.

Do you see any errors in the log? Also, what home assistant version are you running? I don’t have experience with that component, unfortunately.

Don’t worry about troubleshooting this for me. I thought if you do use this component, maybe there is something you encountered when you tried to install. Thanks for pointing me to the fact that this component exists, that is a huge help !